Monday, September 28, 2009


Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Romans 12:18

This verse would not leave my heart and mind today. And it was troublesome...because today, I didn't WANT to keep peace with everyone....I WANTED to say exactly what I thought and how I felt and how hurt I was...and for a moment I didn't care about how it might make someone else feel. You know exactly what kind of moment I was having - you know you've had moments just like that! But God...

Just a few years ago, okay for those of you who really know me intimately, it may have been more like just a few days ago, I would not have yielded to the Holy Spirit in my life, I would have pushed that "peace" verse right out of my mind and determined that the most important thing at the moment was ME ... and that I needed to feel better, if only for a moment and the only way to do that was to tell someone just what I thought.

But today, I did something different...I called someone that God has given me to do life with, someone who would remind me of why that verse wouldn't leave me....someone who would walk me through another way to deal with all the hurt and frustration and turmoil that was welling up deep inside me. Someone who loved me enough to remind me that I need to learn to love myself, to find my hope and confidence in God alone and to live for an audience of One. Someone who helped me find a solution to the problem at hand.

God did not intend for any of us to do life alone....He's placed beautiful people all around us to walk with us in the depths of our pain and the heights of our joy....we only need to look, take off the mask and just be authentic. I'm glad I looked today.

Thank you Sandy...I love you.