Thursday, December 9, 2010

Divorce = Good

Divorce = Good.  I really never, ever, ever thought I would equate divorce with anything good.  I loved my ex-husband dearly, I NEVER wanted a divorce, I WANTED to be married.  But God....

I know that God never wanted divorce either, His word is clear that he hates divorce.  But His word also says:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

This year I have truly had a Romans 8:28 experience.  This morning as I spent time with my Savior, He shared with me a few things.  I want to take a few minutes and share them with you.

If I had never known the pain of an unwanted divorce, the feelings of inadequacy as a wife; if I had not cried in the darkness from the rejection and abandonment that seemed to overwhelm me; if I had not wandered around in loneliness; if I had not held on tight when everything I held dear in life was destroyed, I would have missed the greatest of all

I would have never known the joy of worshipping our Savior with my sister.  Listening to the sweet sound of her voice as she worshipped in music, Breath of Heaven...priceless.

I would have never understand the faith of my brother.  He took the time years ago to personally mark scriptures in a Bible that he was giving to me as a gift.  One scripture in particular resonated deeply with me and I have carried it close all these years - Isaiah 43:2 says:
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.  When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

I would have never been able to encourage my children with the word of God.  Reminding each of them that He has a plan and a purpose for their lives.  A future and a hope.  That they are beautiful, they are unique, only they can do the purpose God has for them.

I would have never known the meaning of real friendship.  When I was so very lonely, God gave me the gift of my friendships.  Deep, godly friendships. 

I would have never known the faithfulness of our God.  You see, I was so focused for so long on what I lost.  I missed Darryl more than I could imagine.  I looked longingly and hopefully at the closed door of divorce...waiting for the door to swing open.  Slowly, steadily and with much pain, I began to grow in the love of my Jesus.  I began to look around at all He had given me.  I began to sense His presence everywhere I went.  I began to lean more and more on Him.  I began to trust Him in things I had been so afraid of letting go.  I turned my eyes and my heart away from the pain of divorce, and ran into the arms of Jesus.  When that happened, I saw His faithfulness.  He had always been right beside me...He never left me, He never abandoned me...and He opened my eyes to see real love.  Agape love.

Real love from my brother and sister and their spouses...they have prayed with me and walked alongside me without ever turning away.

Real love from my dearest friends....Anisa and Gwen have encouraged me, laughed with me, cried with me, and never turned me away.

Real love from my ex-husband, Darryl....he may not have loved me as his wife, but he always loved me as the mother of his daughters.  The best thing a father can do for his children is love their mother....even in divorce Darryl has done that.

Yes, my friends...Divorce = Good.  I allowed myself to grow during these years and draw nearer and nearer to the One who gave me life.  I can truly say my life is amazing...