Sunday, August 21, 2011

Triple-Braided Cord

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

For the last couple of days, I've been sad...just sad.  Knowing that for about a year and a half, I haven't had a place that I can call home.  Don't misunderstand me...I've had a place to eat, sleep and play - but it wasn't mine...and it just didn't fit. I have felt so out of place, homeless.

This morning, just when I thought I really had no one to talk with about feeling "homeless", two beautiful women emerged and wanted to have lunch and a "conversation".  

See, they knew of my plans to move out of the "current place I call home" no later than October 15th, whether I had the funds I need for a new place or not...they knew that if the money wasn't there to pay deposits, get furniture, etc. then I would move to an extended stay hotel for a season...Now here's the beautiful part of this story.  These ladies have watched me struggle financially, they've watched me take control of my finances and live within my budget over the last several weeks...but they didn't know whether I had really thought through this whole "moving" thing.  They didn't know whether I was making a quick decision without thinking it through...and instead of just waiting to see what happened, they loved me enough to intervene and just ask.

Those two ladies cannot imagine how much their love and genuine concern for me warmed my heart and encouraged me in ways I couldn't imagine.  They just wanted to make sure that I wasn't headed towards a collision.  They have walked through this journey with me.  They have seen with their own eyes the change that God has made in my life, the chains of bondage that have been broken, the amazing place that I've come to and where I came from.  And they were not willing to let me walk off a ledge without a warning.  Oh, that we would all have such friends.

You see,  best friends are not just there to have that Girls Night Out.  Not just there to be your cheerleader.  Not just there to listen when you need to best friends, take a stand, call you out, tell you their concerns, risk offending in the name of friendship, in the name of love, in the name of Jesus.  

My Best Friends, Anisa & Gwen, mean more to me than I could ever imagine.  I cannot imagine life without either of them.  They are the most amazing, bold, godly women I've ever known.  I thank God for them everyday.

I'm believing that God is going to meet every need just as He promised and as He already has.  And I'm believing that when I leave this place I "currently call home", He's going to provide! 

Love you Anisa & really are the best in all the land!!