Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sent Ahead??

But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance (Genesis 45:7)

This scripture was part of the service this morning.  My Pastor was talking about Joseph's he went from the pit to the prison to the palace.  I've read Joseph's story before...several times actually...but today, the verse above just jumped out to me.  As I pondered on the scripture later this afternoon I began to reflect on my own journey...from the pit to the prison and on my way to the palace....and so often we, or at least I, try to see the "why" in our situation...and never before had I thought that God sent me ahead in order to help someone find Christ and to help save their perhaps be a be an example of how God can change a life and a heart.  To be the light in the dark have been "sent ahead" so that someone...whoever that may be would be saved....I'm not saying that is definitely the "why" behind my journey...but my gracious it sure puts the journey in a whole new light.

Amazed still at how God speaks to me...were you "sent ahead" too?