Sunday, November 4, 2012


Sometimes I just want to cry. Sometimes I just stop dreaming. Sometimes I just don't understand the way my mind works. The desires that rise up within me. Certainly not healthy desires. Definitely not wholesome desires. Where does this come from? Where did my dreams go? Where are the promises I'm sure God gave me? Is there an expiration date on them? Am I the one He forgot?

God was right on time again at church last night.."Hold On," He said..."listen for my whispers," He said. "If I spoke a dream over you, I WILL bring it to pass...there are no expiration dates," He said. 

Just Hold On!

"And while you are holding on...cling to My truths," He said.

I know those truths He's talking about.  The truth that says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. The truth that says He will use ALL things for good to those who love Him and are called to His purpose. The truth that says, there is ALWAYS a way out when you are tempted. The truth that says He who promised is faithful. To trust He who knows the end from the beginning.

Sometimes you just hold on and trust His whispers and dream again.

Are you going to trust Him or not?