Monday, June 15, 2009

No Greater Joy

My mom had a picture that hung on her wall with this scripture:
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4

Today my daughter Allison shared an amazing story with me that reminded me of that verse.

Let me share. Allison recently won tickets to the SonFest concert at Carowinds. She regularly listens to HisRadio and won them by calling in during a contest. The concert was on Saturday, June 13th. She was so excited about the concert and planned to spend the entire day at the amusement park with her husband Jon as a part of his birthday celebration. They arrived early and spent the entire day in the park. Late afternoon they headed over to the concert. Jon had his ticket, Allison reached into one pocket, then another, only to realize she had lost her ticket! She was so disappointed - but instead of just giving up and heading back to the amusements, she walked to up to one of many of the people working the event. Her conversation went something like this: "Sir, I had a ticket to the concert. Here is my husband's ticket, it's #17. My ticket was #16. I've lost it somewhere in this park. Is there anything I can do?" The gentleman, reached into his pocket and pulled out ticket #16!!!! Allison hugged him with much gratitude! Allison KNEW God was in the midst of that series of events.

As she shared this story with me, I was reminded of the verse above. I know how amazing it is when I see God work in my own life and love to share that with my children. But to see my children recognize God's work in their lives and share it with me....well, there is no greater joy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

She is more precious than rubies....

My daughter Tara turns 27 today. Tara, like me, has had some difficult obstacles to overcome in life, found herself in challenging places...but unlike her mom, she has managed everyone of these difficulties with grace that is beyond belief. Tara embodies many of the attributes found in Proverbs 31. The most admirable attribute I've seen from this beautiful woman lately is this:
She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. Proverbs 31:20

Recently, Tara told me about a gentleman who is practically homeless, has no family and is considered an outcast to society. Tara shared a bit with me about this gentleman, told me he was in the hospital and about his tragic circumstances. I, being the religious mother that I am, told Tara I would pray for the gentleman. The next day, when I dutifully asked how the man was fairing, tears filled my eyes as I listened to my daughter speak these words:

Well, mom, he's doing much better. I went up to the hospital last night, spent some time with him, combed his hair, helped him shave and get on some clean clothes. Oh, and the nurses don't talk ugly to him anymore.

My heart was filled with joy that this gentleman was cared for so deeply by my daughter - I was so very proud of her. She may have offered up prayers for this man, but Tara had done so much more than that - my daughter, had shown this man love and had shown me how to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus. She truly is "more precious than rubies" (Proverbs 31:10a).

I sometimes think my prayer that day probably sounded something like this to Jesus: "Dear Jesus, please send someone to that man to show him how much You love him, because I sure don't." And He answered that prayer through Tara's unselfish acts of service to a gentleman who could never repay her. These words from Matthew ring true in the life of Tara:

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40

I am so proud of Tara and the amazing woman she has become. Though her childhood years challenged me as a mom, her loving heart, carefree spirit and strong will have allowed her to become the woman God has made her to be. I can hardly wait to see what He has for her in the future.

Happy Birthday my dear daughter....I love you...and to me, you are more precious than rubies.