Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hope vs. Faith

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen.  (Hebrews 11:1a, NLT)

We are currently in a series at  C3 Church in Clayton, NC called Supernatural.  Pastor Matt Fry spoke Sunday on the miracle God performed in the life of Abraham and Sarah by blessing them with Isaac.  At the end of the service Pastor Matt had the ministers and leaders anoint with oil and pray over anyone that was seeking a miracle.

Move forward to today - I was listening to Pastor Steven Furtick online during his 24-hour preaching marathon ( and honestly I was really only half-listening since I was at the office, but I heard him say something that caught my attention - something about "are you standing in hope or walking in faith."  Needless to say, I'm not even sure what the context of the quote was, or even if I heard it exactly right, but I began to ponder.  I ponder often.

I believe (and if  you've been around me for very long you've heard me speak it) that God gave me a promise of a restored marriage shortly after my ex-husband and I separated.  Now for those of you that don't know me, that might seem like a sweet little promise that I'm holding on to, but I'd like to put in perspective...I've been single, separated from my husband for 12 years, divorced for 10.  Yep, that was 12 YEARS, not weeks, not months...years.  Not one date, not one romantic dinner, not one love letter, not flowers or a gift.  Nothing to indicate that my marriage was on the mend.  Soooo, you see, it's been a little while since God shared this promise with me and I'm sure you can understand that I might have wavered occasionally during the last several years.  Even today, there is absolutely nothing in the natural that I can see that would indicate that God has even begun to work that miracle in my life.  But anyway, that's really not the point I want to make today, so back to the "standing in hope or walking in faith" thing.

You see, there was a time that I was fervent in my prayer about my marriage.  I believed without a doubt that God was going to do what He told me He would do, I had confidence that what I hoped for would REALLY happen (Hebrews 11:1) and that's walking in faith.   But, time passed, nothing changed (at least nothing I could see), and actually some of my circumstances even became worse.  I became complacent in my current situation but still continued to "stand in hope".  I just kept HOPING that God would do what He said...I surely didn't have that confidence that I had in the beginning. 

So today when I heard are you "standing in hope or walking in faith", I heard God ask me, "What are you doing Debbie?"  I quietly answered, "Lord, I'm just hoping." 

I was faced with the reality that I was no longer was walking in faith, that I was simply standing in hope. 


I am so thankful He gives us second chances (and third and fourth and fifth, etc).  So today, I again begin praying my own "Sun Stand Still" prayer (Joshua 10:12-14) - and I press forward and walk in faith awaiting His promise for me!  Actually, I believe my "walk in faith" restarted on Sunday, because for the first time in a very long time, I walked forward and asked the leaders of my church to pray for my marriage.  I was anointed with oil and this couple prayed over me, not only for my restored marriage, but that my entire family will be drawn to Him and bring Him glory.

I know, it was not a coincidence that my message from God through Pastor Matt and Pastor Steven Furtick were all about miracles.  God wants to do the impossible in our lives!  What promise has God given you?  Are you just hoping that He will fulfill it...or are you walking in faith and truly believing He will do what He says He will? What is your Sun Stand Still prayer??

Monday, September 6, 2010

Daddy's Girl

We've all heard the phrase "Daddy's Girl".  I am a Daddy's Girl.  My Daddy was the biggest, smartest, most handsome man ever.  Sure he had his faults...and I've mentioned them a time or two to those closest to me, but I loved him so much.  Today has been 15 years since Daddy went to heaven.  There are days it seems like it was just yesterday and other times it seems so very long ago, but one thing remains.  I miss my Daddy.  Here are a list of things that I miss:
  • I miss being able to call on him when I need advice.  
  • I miss his hand squeezing my shoulder and calling me "kiddo".  
  • I miss him giving me $20 to go buy a loaf of bread and telling me to keep the change for gas money.  
  • I miss him NOT letting me use his Cross pen.
  • I miss watching boxing with him.  I can't hear the phrase "Good night sweet prince" without thinking of Daddy.
  • I miss playing pool with Daddy and listening to Roger Miller and Elvis Presley.
  • I miss his laugh.
  • I miss his smile.
  • I miss his encouraging words.
  • I miss his breakfast on Christmas morning.

Although I miss all of those things, and a lot more, I find comfort in knowing that I will one day see Daddy again.  You see my Daddy knew Jesus and I know that he is in heaven and since I know Jesus too, and live for Him, I will one day see Daddy again.  And that makes me smile.

I love you Daddy.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9, NLT)