Monday, September 6, 2010

Daddy's Girl

We've all heard the phrase "Daddy's Girl".  I am a Daddy's Girl.  My Daddy was the biggest, smartest, most handsome man ever.  Sure he had his faults...and I've mentioned them a time or two to those closest to me, but I loved him so much.  Today has been 15 years since Daddy went to heaven.  There are days it seems like it was just yesterday and other times it seems so very long ago, but one thing remains.  I miss my Daddy.  Here are a list of things that I miss:
  • I miss being able to call on him when I need advice.  
  • I miss his hand squeezing my shoulder and calling me "kiddo".  
  • I miss him giving me $20 to go buy a loaf of bread and telling me to keep the change for gas money.  
  • I miss him NOT letting me use his Cross pen.
  • I miss watching boxing with him.  I can't hear the phrase "Good night sweet prince" without thinking of Daddy.
  • I miss playing pool with Daddy and listening to Roger Miller and Elvis Presley.
  • I miss his laugh.
  • I miss his smile.
  • I miss his encouraging words.
  • I miss his breakfast on Christmas morning.

Although I miss all of those things, and a lot more, I find comfort in knowing that I will one day see Daddy again.  You see my Daddy knew Jesus and I know that he is in heaven and since I know Jesus too, and live for Him, I will one day see Daddy again.  And that makes me smile.

I love you Daddy.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9, NLT)

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