Friday, January 14, 2011

God remembered...

I've had a rather difficult week.  Not sure that I can even pinpoint even one reason for it, but probably a combination of several things:
  • waiting to hear about my thyroid ultrasound results
  • not sleeping well
  • extremely stressful work week
  • and a couple of other unmentionables
 So mid-week, the tears began, and they just wouldn't stop...I cried, but I didn't cry in vain and I didn't have a pity party...I cried out to Jesus...I asked Him if He had forgotten me.  I wondered why everything felt so STAGNANT!!  And then...I slept.

But that's not the end of the story...yes, there is a But God...

The following morning a very dear friend came into my office, closed my door and asked if I was okay...well, the tears flowed again as I shared my distress...Mary Ann is a prayer warrior!!   She listened when the Holy Spirit prompted her to come to me and offer words of comfort, reminding me I'm not going through life alone!  I love her.  :-)

Then that evening I had an amazing dinner with Sandy, my sister - one of the strongest women of God I know...and she's a prayer warrior too!!  She too followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and invited me to was much needed, and so healing.  I can't imagine what life would have been like without the amazing relationship I have with my sister.  I love her.  :-)

And then...when I got home ... I had received this email from my friend Sarah:
Been praying for you this week and can't get two things off my mind. First off, God is going to do something huge and healing in a way you'd never suspect. Secondly, His timing is perfect. Sometimes the wait is not about you, but about His need to grow others. I love you!
I believe Sarah has the gift of prayer..and her words were so encouraging:  I love her, too.  :-)

All week, this scripture kept coming to my mind....I couldn't understand why...
But God remembered Noah... (Genesis 8:1)

...And then this morning, I read this scripture in my daily reading...
Then God remembered Rachel... (Genesis 30:22)

I don't know about you...but when I look at the events from yesterday, I see what an amazing God I serve.  And now I understand why that scripture was coming to my mind all week long....He said to me .... "And God remembered Debbie...."

I don't know what tomorrow may bring...but I do know Who holds tomorrow...and that brings me all the comfort I need.