Friday, January 14, 2011

God remembered...

I've had a rather difficult week.  Not sure that I can even pinpoint even one reason for it, but probably a combination of several things:
  • waiting to hear about my thyroid ultrasound results
  • not sleeping well
  • extremely stressful work week
  • and a couple of other unmentionables
 So mid-week, the tears began, and they just wouldn't stop...I cried, but I didn't cry in vain and I didn't have a pity party...I cried out to Jesus...I asked Him if He had forgotten me.  I wondered why everything felt so STAGNANT!!  And then...I slept.

But that's not the end of the story...yes, there is a But God...

The following morning a very dear friend came into my office, closed my door and asked if I was okay...well, the tears flowed again as I shared my distress...Mary Ann is a prayer warrior!!   She listened when the Holy Spirit prompted her to come to me and offer words of comfort, reminding me I'm not going through life alone!  I love her.  :-)

Then that evening I had an amazing dinner with Sandy, my sister - one of the strongest women of God I know...and she's a prayer warrior too!!  She too followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and invited me to was much needed, and so healing.  I can't imagine what life would have been like without the amazing relationship I have with my sister.  I love her.  :-)

And then...when I got home ... I had received this email from my friend Sarah:
Been praying for you this week and can't get two things off my mind. First off, God is going to do something huge and healing in a way you'd never suspect. Secondly, His timing is perfect. Sometimes the wait is not about you, but about His need to grow others. I love you!
I believe Sarah has the gift of prayer..and her words were so encouraging:  I love her, too.  :-)

All week, this scripture kept coming to my mind....I couldn't understand why...
But God remembered Noah... (Genesis 8:1)

...And then this morning, I read this scripture in my daily reading...
Then God remembered Rachel... (Genesis 30:22)

I don't know about you...but when I look at the events from yesterday, I see what an amazing God I serve.  And now I understand why that scripture was coming to my mind all week long....He said to me .... "And God remembered Debbie...."

I don't know what tomorrow may bring...but I do know Who holds tomorrow...and that brings me all the comfort I need. 


  1. You are one very special Lady...I know that God brought us together for more than work. Our hearts have shared caring, comfort, sadness, tears, laughter and prayers. I thank God for creating a child like you. And yes I would be very proud to be your Mother or better yet your Sister..LOL Mary Ann

  2. And then your dear friend Anisa invited you to dinner on Friday night:) Sorry...the sanguine in me just didn't want to be left out....
    However, I agree with Mary are one very special lady and agreeing totally with Sarah's prayer and can't wait to see what God is going to do next in your life!

  3. Anisa, you make me laugh!!! Of course to all of my readers out there - Anisa's invitation to dinner was AFTER I had written the blog. And I thank you and Mary Ann for such heartwarming comments...I have the best friends in all the land!
