Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Healthy Heart

I realized today that for the first time in many years, I'm truly content with life. Content in living alone, in being divorced (though, let there be no question, I would rather still be married), in knowing my struggle with weight is just that "a struggle", not a failure. I am beginning to see the healing that God has done in my heart and in life.

Last night at church, Pastor Matt was speaking at the All Access Conference being held at our church (C3 Clayton). This conference is directed towards church planters and leaders. Pastor Matt reminded us that it begins with a healthy heart - when the heart is not healthy it affects the whole body.

As I ponder my life today, I realize how true that is. For years my heart was not healthy - but broken, discouraged, hurt. Try as I might, it affected my entire life. Now, living with a healthy healed heart, even though I've only realized it's been healed for just a short time, it has literally affected every area of my life. My personal life, my spiritual life, my professional life - in all of it I am content.

Paul said:
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance. Philippians 4:11
I believe that Paul's heart must have been healthy to have learned to be content in whatever circumstance he faced and I am so thankful the Great Physician has healed my heart, so that I too, can be content whatever the circumstance and that I am able to continue this amazing journey that He has set forth for me to share His Word, so that others too may know His Amazing Grace.

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