Sunday, August 22, 2010


It's been a long time since I've blogged....never really could stay on track with that.  Nevertheless, I'm blogging let's catch up.

In December, 2009, I found myself at a place that I could only see a faint light on the path that was ahead.  I wasn't really depressed or down or even discouraged...just knew that life was going to change and I was ready to embrace matter what.  I was READY to live the abundant life that Jesus tells me about in John 10:10.

So, January 1, 2010, I proclaimed that this was my year of healing...there has been much healing over the last 12 years in my journey, but I knew this was going to be different....I had no idea how life changing my life was going to be.

I joined a Connect Group that was going through the study called The Lord's Table.  God spoke to me in an amazing way through this study.  He lovingly provided me with the "why" behind my "what".   Revealing that I was turning to food for comfort, for company, for anything that I was lacking....when I realized that all I had to do was turn to Him during those times of loneliness, hurt, boredom, whatever...the weight began to fall off.  He gave me a heart knowledge of who I am, where I came from and how healing and wholeness will only come through Him...not food, not friends, not stuff.  I lost 40 pounds over the course of 5 months!!  But honestly, it wasn't the weight loss that excited was healing...the freedom...chains of bondage that had me bound for years, falling at my side.

God has continued to bring me healing throughout the summer with a study called Reality Revealed.  He has brought me to a whole new place...I am experiencing the abundant life in a way that I never knew possible.  I'll share later just how Reality Revealed has revealed to me His great love!!

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