Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reality Revealed...Healing Continues

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  (Romans 8:38, NLT)

I've had the most amazing journey this summer going through the study Reality Revealed.  I have had one revelation after another...more chains of bondage dropping off...truly being set free.  But the most amazing experience was doing My Life Map.  I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive about the task.  Mapping out my life over the past 40 plus years included some very dark places that I never really want to revisit.  BUT GOD...

So, on Tuesday last week, I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to sit down and complete my life map.  I didn't want to do it on Tuesday, I wanted to do it on Wednesday.  But since I have been focusing on being obedient and leading a Spirit-led life, I pulled out all the materials and began to complete the map on Tuesday.  As I mapped out the last 40 years, painful memories rose up, tears flowed, my heart ached.  At the end of the map, I began to weep as a deep sense of love and joy filled me.  God revealed very clearly how He had used every single one of those painful dark times to bring me to the place I am today.  How He had knit me together knowing all I would experience and He wouldn't waste a single bit of it. 

And there was still another revelation - perhaps the most amazing of all, that not only was I deeply loved by God...I could honestly say, having gone through most of life living with self-condemnation, insecurity and buying into the lies of the enemy that I was a failure, I was able to forgive myself and recognize that I finally love me.  I saw Romans 8:28 come alive in my very own life and experience healing that has been almost 49 years in the making.

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