Sunday, July 17, 2011

Be still and know...

This morning as I was wrapping up week 7 of my study Radically Obedient, this devotion touched me so deeply that I had to share it with you...

Be Still…
Today's Scripture   
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 NIV
Thoughts for Today
These eight words found in the Psalms speak volumes about putting God at the center of our lives.
 Be still...
Stop worrying. Calm down. Don't be afraid. Stop trying to figure it out by yourself. Stop trying to make things happen. Slow down. Take a deep breath. Forget the money crunch. Take time out from the pressures at work. Stop striving. Stop talking... and listen.
Know that I am God...
I know you. I know your needs. Nothing surprises me. I am the Creator of all things. I care about everything that concerns you. I am love. I am peace. I am joy. I am sovereign. I am all-knowing. I am all-powerful. I am eternal. I am faithful. I am merciful. I am gracious. I am the King of kings and Lord of lords. I am your Father, your Daddy. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I love you with an everlasting love. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Consider this …
When we are willing to be still and to know that he is God, he will become the center of our lives. And everything else we do will revolve around him and all that he is.  
Here is the link to the devotion:

I continue to be amazed at God's great love for me and His never ending pursuit.  How he meets me exactly where I am and speaks intimately to me, touching me in a way like no other.  So, this morning...I will be still and know He is God and know that I am loved.

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