Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Revelation by Sandy Gibbs, Guest Blogger and Little Sister

Today's post is from guest blogger, Sandy little sister.  Sandy and her husband Ellis moved to Lexington, KY just over a year ago.  Sandy's has written often about her experience in moving...this is one that I asked her if I could share with you, my readers.

Thank you Sandy!  Your vulnerability and transparency through your journey is sure to help many!  Love you sis!!

I'm not completely there yet. Still very emotional. But I'm certainly on a better path.

I wrote this last week.

The Revelation

My husband and I moved to Lexington, KY in January 2014. Left a place I called home for over 40 years. Left my adult children, brother, sister, in-laws, many nieces and nephews. Left a church I attended since 1996. Left everything familiar.

The move was a direct leading from God and being obedient was important. I thought I moved willingly. My willingness, however, was only surface deep. I figured I would come to Lexington, do the "work" God had for us and then back to "home".

I have cried nearly everyday since I've been in KY. Praying for answers, praying for direction, praying "Why?"   All I could keep saying is "I want to go back!"  But I knew that would be completely against what God wanted. So, then my new philosophy was "fake it until you make it".  Then I realized nothing would please satan more than for me to fall short of God's plan.

So after a lot of communing with God, the revelation came.  There is no "going back". Even though it's only been a little over a year, many things have changed back home.

There is no going back to my job (there is someone else doing that job). Church, well, many things there have changed, also. Even my house is not the same.  Of course, my family is still there but things with them will always be changing too.

It's time to "live" here, in Lexington. Not just survive. This is not a sentence I've been given. This is an opportunity for God to be glorified. It's time for me to be a willing/working participant.

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