Thursday, October 19, 2017

Pray, Mama, Pray

Mama, the kids are all grown up now.  Life is pulling everyone in different directions.  They have kids and husbands and friends and fiancé’s and ballgames and work and in-laws and the list goes on and on.  Remember Mama?  Remember what that was like? 

They laugh.  They cry.  They work hard.  They play hard.  They love hard.  Love is a battlefield.  They've been wounded.  Remember Mama?  Remember what those wounds did?  Remember the midnight crying, the mask you’d wear to hide the hurt?  Remember Mama?

Mama, kissing a wounded heart just doesn’t heal the sorrow. They’ve walked through real pain.  Real hurt.  Real anger.  Real loneliness.  Real rejection.  Real abandonment. Real fear.  Their hearts have been bruised and broken.  Tattered and torn.  The rose-colored glasses have dimmed a bit. The childhood dreams are a distant memory.  The fairy tale isn’t real anymore.  Life is hard.  Remember Mama? 

Mama, you can’t fix it.  You can’t make it better.  You can’t pretend it’s not there.  Mama, you aren’t their savior…Jesus is.

Mama, call out to the One who already knows what you need.  Rest fully in His promises. Know He hears your cries Mama.  And while the cries of your own children pierce your heart and trouble your soul, cease your worrying Mama.  Jesus hears their cries too.

Cries of pain. 
Cries of hurt.
Cries of anger.
Cries of loneliness.
Cries of rejection.
Cries of abandonment.
Cries of fear.

Mama, He knows the journey they must travel.  He will walk it with them.  He is the only One who can heal the pain, the hurt, the anger, the loneliness, the rejection, the abandonment, the fear…He is the One who will give them beauty for their ashes.  Remember Mama?  He did it for you.  He will do it for them too. 
So, Mama, fall on your knees and cry out to Jesus.  He’s already answering your prayer.  He’s already made a way where there seemed no way.  The battle is fought on your knees Mama.  The battle is the Lord's.
Keep praying Mama, keep praying.

The fewer the words the better prayer.  ~ Martin Luther

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