Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This morning while reading His Word, this scripture leapt from the page:
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. (Psalm 27:23-24, NLT, emphasis mine).

As I read that I realized that the little mundane tasks of the day, are not mundane at all to Him, do you see it? He delights in every detail. When my daughters were newborns, I delighted in every single detail of their lives, I counted the toes and listened to every coo and cry, I traced my finger along their soft lips and would relish the quiet moments when I could just hold them and be in awe of the beauty of a newborn and how absolutely perfect each child was. As they grew older and family demands began to grow, I didn't delight in every detail, didn't necessarily find delight in bath time or waking them up early for school or impatiently waiting while they decided what to wear....delight certainly isn't a word I would use.

Today, I still don't delight in every detail of even those I love dearly, but Jesus, He loves me more than I can imagine. He thinks that I am so amazing that every detail of my life is a delight. He loves being a part of every nook and cranny that I encounter during the day...it matters to Him when I can't decide what to wear in the mornings...He takes note of the decision of whether to have coffee or iced tea...He settles in and listens to the battle in my mind of whether I have made the right choice or spoken the right words.

What a comfort to know, that it's not just the "big" things....the spiritual things, the church things, the relational things. He didn't delight in every detail only when I first believed as a newborn Christian...but today and everyday, every detail of my life He takes in and savors.

As I reflect on that this morning I am so thankful that I not only call Jesus my Savior, but He's the closest friend I have and He's in the details.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I needed that this morning!Thanks for the encouragement and assurance that God is not just in the big things, but in the little things too! <*Flacafry*>
