Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Next Generation

Thursday evening as I listened to a message by Chris Durso at my church, I realized that the scripture he was using was one that isn't used often in preaching.  As I left church that night (my world completely rocked), I felt the Holy Spirit remind me that the revelation of what Chris Durso preached that night wasn't some secret that only great preachers can understand.  The truth is the Holy Spirit will reveal to me amazing truths in scripture if only I would spend time in His Word.  I knew that was exactly what I had to do.  

This morning as I read through Judges 2, these verses spoke loudly:

After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel....Whenever the Lord raised up a judge over Israel, he was with that judge and rescued the people from their enemies throughout the judge’s lifetime. For the Lord took pity on his people, who were burdened by oppression and suffering.  (Judges 2:10, 18)

Verse 10 says "another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord."  My observation of this scripture says, that although the older generation did acknowledge the Lord, maybe they didn't pour into the generation after them.  Perhaps they were too caught up in the "do's" and "don'ts" of following the Lord?  Maybe the older generation was too concerned that their music was too loud, or their dress wasn't modest enough?  Could it be that though the generation acknowledged the Lord, they didn't allow the Lord to change them completely?  We really don't know the "why" behind the "what" in this instance, but we do know that there was a generation that didn't acknowledge the Lord.

I come from such a generation.  Do you?  Did you grow up and not acknowledge Him?  Maybe you grew up in a home that never prayed or spoke of God or even knew who Jesus was.  Maybe your home was like mine.  It is was a good home, my parents worked hard to provide, they loved me, they tried to raise me to be morally good, to make good choices.  Alas, I didn't do well making those choices...BUT GOD.

What I love about this scripture is that God didn't just leave that generation in the hands of the previous generation and throw up His hands and so "Oh well, they're lost!"  Nope. He provided a way...He gave them Judges (verse 18).  He took pity on the people.  Although the people continued to return to their rebellious ways, God continued to raise up new judges.  He didn't give up!

And He doesn't give up today!  My journey has not been an easy one, but oh my friend, it's been so worth it!  To have that peace that passes understanding.  To have a church family that pours into not only my generation, but the one coming up behind me.  To have a family that loves Jesus.  To have those things that money can't buy is priceless.

So be careful this generation....make sure that you pour into the generation coming behind them, show them the very same love and grace that Jesus shows us everyday.  Serve in your local church, reach out to a kid that is hurting.  Be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Who knows, whatever you do may be the only Jesus they ever see.  Let's not have another generation that doesn't acknowledge the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Debbie. I feel like i have just heard a wonderful sermon. You just light up my day. Good thoughts and great words to live my.
